Page 2 - CLH Foundation - Annual Report - 2020-2021
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President’s Report

           Sarah Kitchen

           For all of the challenges the past year presented, it also provided unexpected               Thanks to the tremendous goodwill of the community, we
           opportunities. Early in 2020-21, the CLH Foundation Board quickly evaluated the              were  successful  in  these  adjustments. The  generosity  of
           ways in which we could best meet our fundraising goals during unprecedented                  our donors has helped to minimize the impact of the measures

           times. These goals had become even more significant as CLH Foundation was                    needed for the safety of CLH supported individuals, and the closures
           called upon to assist CLH Developmental Support Services as the organization                 of much-loved educational, employment, and social programming.
           delivered creative solutions  to provide  meaningful programming for CLH-
                                                                                                        Looking ahead, we will continue to challenge ourselves to build community
           supported individuals.
                                                                                                        support. The  CLH  Foundation  Board can  proudly  say  we  will  continue  this

           Like many charities, CLH Foundation had planned on several anchoring events                  work secure in the knowledge that it is possible to shift gears and meet these
           to engage with our community and raise valuable funds. As it became clear                    important goals — and that the North Simcoe community (and beyond!) will
           that the pandemic measures would last more than the few weeks we had all                     be there as  a collective safety net for those in need of support. Our work
           originally  hoped for, the  work of  broadening  our  fundraising  efforts  began.           continues in the form of our Commitment to Care annual campaign and other
           Monthly donor programs, virtual events, digital campaigns, and  increased                    initiatives which bring real value to the lives of people supported here at CLH.
           social media presence became the cornerstones of our new approach.
                                                                                                        Your support has always allowed us to do the good work of supporting the
           Many  charities  experienced an  increase  in  need for their services  and                  work of CLH — but in times like these, your support means that you too see the
           supports. Coupled with a shuttered event industry, the additional need for                   value that it brings. For this, we could not be more grateful to count you among
           these resources required every registered charity to begin thinking outside the              the CLH community of friends.
           box. This shift in focus allowed us to see beyond not only replacing the revenue

           of events, but finding opportunities to support the innovative programming of
           CLH Developmental Support Services in other ways.

                                                                                                        Sarah Kitchen
                                                                                                        CLH Foundation Board of Directors

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