Page 4 - CLH Foundation - Annual Report - 2021-2022
P. 4

A Message from Dean Johnson

           CEO, CLH DSS

           2021-2022 mirrored the previous year in many ways. Once again, the COVID-19 pandemic and the health and safety of supported
           individuals and staff remained our primary focus at CLH Developmental Support Services. Despite months and months of pandemic
           response, CLH staff continued to deliver the highest quality care through everchanging guidelines and times of uncertainty. With no apparent

           end in sight, we were able to continue to provide meaningful supports and services – all while keeping people safe.

           CLH Foundation was a key partner to CLH Developmental Support Services throughout this time. Priority areas
           of support were identified by CLH, and CLH Foundation stepped up to help in ways that are not addressed by
           traditional funding. Simply put: CLH Foundation’s underwriting of projects like Commitment to Care and Bridging the
           Gap had real impact on real people – and the CLH community is grateful for the ongoing support.

           The never-ending generosity from the North Simcoe community continued to be nothing short of inspirational, and
           certainly provided an important boost to programming. Thank you to the entire CLH Foundation community for your
           unwavering support in all forms – acts of kindness, words of encouragement, and critical donations. You have made

           a vital difference in the lives of many.

           Dean Johnson
           Chief Executive Officer
           CLH Developmental Support Services

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